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logo-login-lublinIf you are interested in integration in Lublin or you have a problem with your resident card and legalization of stay, we provide seminars for students of Lublin’s Universities. They are free of charge.

1 seminar – legalization of stay, resident cards, visas

2 seminar – volunteering, internships, CV, letter of intent

3 seminar – providing your own business

More details is regularly on our FB and in Universities. If you want to join some seminar – let us know via email loginlublin@panstwoprawa.org or via phone 532-006-773 to find out the details. We invite you.

67Are you looking for a university in Lublin? There are many, you can choose something for yourself.

KUL – The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

UMCS – The Maria Curie-Skłodowska University

UP – The University of Life Sciences

WSPA – The University College of Enterprise and Administration

WSEI – The University of Economics and Innovation

WSSP – The Vincent Pol University

PL – The Lublin University of Technology

UM – The Medical University of Lublin


Are you looking for a place where you can make an additional course, attend training or post-graduate studies? There are a few places where you can find interesting courses for you:

***OUR PARTNER*** Post-secondary school “Perspektywa” ***OUR PARTNER***

71Career Offices

Are looking for a job, internships, student practices, training courses, workshops or volunteering possibilities? There are Career Offices almost in every university, through which you will find something for yourself.


Non-governmental organization Word Cloud Concept

NGO – what is it?

NGO – what is it? NGO – “non-government organization”, it is a private nature organization, arise from a private initiative of their founders, function in public interest without aim to make profits.

Have you ever searched for information about NGOs, which not only brings help but also engage foreign nationals and foreign students in its activities?

Did you know that there are many such organizations here in Lublin?

Use our blog and get more information about NGOs in Lublin (read more here).

116Student circles and associations

They are an amazing opportunity for self development during studies. Student circles and associations work within different fields of studies and you can find them at almost every university:

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Maria Curie-Skłodowska University

The University of Life Sciences in Lublin

The Medical University of Lublin

The Lublin University of Technology

University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin (WSEI) 

College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin (WSPA)

Vincent Pole University (WSSP )


Did you know that a foreign student may have some scholarships to cover his tuition fee and costs of living in Lublin.

All information about different scholarships is available here.