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Saint Nicholas Day

Soon we will celebrate a favorite holiday of children and adults. On December 6, we celebrate Saint Nicholas Day. The holiday was established in honor of Bishop Mikołaj of Mira. It is a day known to people all over the world, but in many countries Santa Claus appears under various names.

For example, in the Netherlands, Sinterklass comes to children. He arrives from Spain on a ship and leaves chocolate letters.

In Italy, children receive gifts only on the feast of the Epiphany, on January 6, they are brought to them by Befana the witch.

Russian children receive gifts for the New Year’s Eve, from Grandfather Mróz with his helpmate Śnieżynka, who is his granddaughter.

In the Czech Republic, Mikulas visits children. Formerly, he had the form of a ghost with a scythe in his hand and chased death. He always appeared in the company of costumed people.

In Poland Saint Nicholas visits children on the night of 5 to 6 December and leaves gifts under a pillow, in a boot or in a sock. On this day, children and adults exchange small presents.