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Father’s Day

Parents play very important role in life of every person. Only our parents may sincerely rejoice with our successes. We are happy when our parents are alive. We became orphans when they go to a better world. In May, practically the whole world honored mothers, and in June we will celebrate the Father’s Day. The date of the international celebration of the Father’s Day has been consolidated on the third Sunday of June. In Poland, the Father’s Day is celebrated on June 23rd.

Father’s Day is a holiday of gratitude and love. A rose is a symbol of the  symbol of that day. In the United States there is a tradition to pin up a rose on this day. Those whose fathers are alive have red roses. A white rose is a sign that a father had passed away. In many countries different kinds of entertainments  are arranged on that day.

Father’s Day is celebrated in the USA, Canada, South Africa, Ja11pan, France, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and others. However, not all countries around the world celebrate Father’s day in June. Georgia celebrates the Father’s day on the October 3, Italy and the countries of the Iberian Peninsula have the celebration on the March 19, South Korea celebrates this holiday on the May 8.

The history of the Father’s Day began in 1909. It was celebrated for the first time in the town of Spokane in the state of Washington, USA. So, what was the story? A wife of William Jackson Smart died after the birth of the sixth child. Poor man was left alone with six small kids.  But William Smart courageously took care of his children. Mr. Smart made absolutely everything that his children didn’t feel the lack of parental care, understanding and love.

At the church service devoted to the Mother’s Day in 1909, Sonora Smart was thinking about her childhood. William Smart’s daughter thought about her father, who alone managed to bring up and educate six self-sufficient people.  Her father gave his children all his attention and love.

Sonora Smart suggested the city council to establish a new holiday – Father’s Day. The idea was accepted. The birthday date of William Jackson Smart – June 5 was chosen as the date of celebration. Later it was postponed to June 19th. In few years the celebration of the Father’s Day spread to other cities of the state of Washington. However, the national significance of the Father’s Day was only in 1966. The President Lyndon Baines Johnson set a nationwide holiday date, it was the third Sunday of June.

There are many other versions of the origin of the holiday. The story of Sonora Smart and her father is just one of many versions of the Father’s Day. As this holiday is celebrated in many countries of the world, their traditions of celebrations and gifts to dads vary in every country.

We have to be grateful to our fathers for everything. We all need the support and love of our fathers. Give your father more attention on this day, say warm words. It does not matter what the date it is, more important to congratulate your parent with love and kindness.