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Impro Theater

Have you ever heard about impro theater? It is a form of theater which consists of improvisation, what means that impro is working without a script and of course spontaneously. Impro is a contact with audience, who is a real source of inspiration for every performance and also a proof that it isn’t directed.

We have several impro groups in Lublin, probably you heard about them. Have you heard about No potatoes group? The Group has performed since a few years in Lublin. They provide fun during their performances with using various narrative or pantomime techniques. Meetings consist of  a permanent contact with the audience, which shapes the theme of each show.  Since 2012, the group has cooperated with The Workshops of Culture and their performances take places right there. Since 2015 they have been performing as Impro Teatr Bezczelny, everyone should take an active part with their performance. Impro Teatr Bezczelny lets you relieve your stress and will be helpful with spending time in funny way. The Group leads also a company events, business training and workshops of theater improvisation under Play&Fun – Improv Academy. More information you can find on their website www.bezczelni.com.

Poławiacze Pereł Improv Teatr it’s a group which believes that audience should experience every performance more than only temporary interest. In fact, none of the actors  knows what will happen on the stage, which topics will be discussed at the start, they also have no idea about how the show will run and end. Moreover, Poławiacze Pereł are organizing  special impro workshops, where they’re gladly sharing their theater experience.  What is unique is that even someone who have never had any contact with theater, can easily find yourself on a stage. More information such as calendar of performances, you will find on their webside www.polawiaczeperel.pl

You should also be tempted on Odskocznia group performances (information about this Group you will find on their Facebook funpage www.facebook.com/Odskocznia) and Innymi Słowy impro – it is a group which was created  in the improvisation workshops in Academic Center of a Culture  “Chatka Żaka” –  www.facebook.com/innymislowyimpro.

There is no other way like encourage you to take part on some impro performance to discover acting abilities in yourself.

Patrycja Cap