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Tips on how to look for a job

We often receive questions from foreigners where to look for work. We decided to share with you some information, pages, links where you can search for work and learn about the labor market in Poland.
1. Labour offices – we encourage you to visit labour offices and their websites, where job offers are updated. You can specify what offers interest you and in which province. Find details on the site.
2. Portals with offers – Nowadays, the most popular way to look for work or employees is the Internet. There are many websites with job offerts, which are organized according to category, place of employment or type of contract. We can recommend several websites with job offers: pracuj.pl, olx.pl, gratka.pl, praca.pl, www.aplikuj.pl
3. Portals with your profile and CV – these are websites where you can create your profile and virtual CV. Everyday you receive notifications of new job offers that are tailored to your experience and type of work you look for. If you are interested, please visit: https://pl.linkedin.com/ or https://www.goldenline.pl/
4. Social media – you can search for groups in social media which were created to post job offers . Just search for groups, e.g. Jobs in Poland / Работа в Польше or https://www.facebook.com/groups/workINpoland/jobs/.
5. Employment agencies – you can also use the help of employment agencies that work with many employers and they can look for work for you. However, be careful and read carefully the contracts you sign.
6. Hand out your CV – you can also print your CV and visit the companies with which you would like to cooperate. Look around you – your dream job may be just around the corner.
If you want to consult the contract before signing it – make an appointment with our advisors. Good luck in your job search!