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Scouting in Poland

In Poland scouting movement, founder of which in the world (in Great Britain) was gen. Lord Robert Baden-Powell, has rich tradition. There are three organizations: Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego, Związek Harcerstwa Rzeczypospolitej and Skauci Europy FSE ,,Zawisza”. The movement has its origins in 1918, it was initiated by the marriage of Olga and Andrzej Małkowski. It became famous for its contribution to the resistance movement and activity in the underground in times of occupation. The heroic attitude of girls and boys who were liaison officers and were involved in the medical assistance during the Warsaw Uprising is especially important.
The organizations are divided into different levels according to the age of participants – zuchy – young children, harcerki and harcerze – schoolable children and wędrownictwo and harcerstwo starsze for adults, they are together simply called harcerstwo (scouting). To date harcerstwo is still bringing up the youth in the spirit of patriotism, respect for nature and cooperating. In work it uses the forms like service, outdoor games, orienteering, artistic workshops. Harcerki and harcerze (scouts) learn codes, Morse code, first aid. In the school year they have meetings and during vacation they go on the camps where they live in the tents, cook on the field kitchen and shape their characters often in the Spartan conditions.
Harcerstwo is a place where the friendships for the whole life can be found and where people have amazing adventures and great fun. For sure they collect there beautiful memories for years. The atmosphere of brotherhood makes that you can feel welcome.