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Did you know that the National Population …

Did you know that the National Population and Housing Census of 2021 began in Poland on April 1?
National Census is conducted at least once at every 10 years, and this census is one of the largest and most important community surveys in Poland. Its purpose is to discover the demographic and housing situation in the country, voivodeships, districts and each municipality. This research will help to understand how Poland will develop in the future, and the results of the survey will be used to plan how to act in areas of particular importance to society. In 2021, the census will be conducted from April 1 till September 30 and will be carried out using the Computer-assisted web interviewing method (CAWI) in the application available on the website of the Statistics Poland (GUS).
According to the law, participation in the census is obligatory for everyone who lives on the territory of the Republic of Poland, despite of citizenship or age (on behalf of children, this is done by his parents or legal guardia), and also despite of where you live, for example, in your own house, rented apartment or you live somewhere else. In addition, people who cannot do it online due to age or other circumstances that prevent them from completing this on the internet, will be able to do this using Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing method (CATI) or Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing method(CAPI), with the help of enumerators. Please note, that in situation if you refuse to participate in the compulsory census you can be fined.