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Kamianets-Podilskyi – incredible “flower on rock”

Ukraine is rich for beautiful cities and incredible historic places. One of such a city is Kamianets-Podilskyi, which is located in the central-western part of Ukraine. The whole city is famous for its exceptional atmosphere of Middle Ages.

Kamianets-Podilskyi Castle – the pride of the country. Therefore, starting from 2007, it belongs to the so-called Seven Wonders of Ukraine. The castle (or fortress locals say)  is situated in a picturesque place – on the river Smotrich. The castle is like flower made from stone, therefore the city is called “flower on rock”. The magnificent nature, picturesque slopes and inaccessible walls – that is an area near the castle.

History of the castle started 10-13 centuries. From the very beginning it was strong fortification, made of wood, but later it was rebuilt in stone. Originally a fortress from all sides was surrounded by the river, so the castle was completely impregnable. Today from strong and powerful river remained only small stream.

In the 19th century castle was used as a prison. And already in 20-30s of the 20 th century it turned into a cultural and historical park, monument-museum.

Today you can see twelve large towers, well-fortified walls and possibly the most favorite place of all tourists – long bridge leading up to the castle. Why favorite? Because it offers incredible views of the entire fortress and from this bridge every can make great photos, therefore you can always meet here tourists and local residents.

In the middle of the castle you can visit some exposition and towers. It is possible to relax like a real medieval knight – shooting archery.

Just before the castle is powerful picturesque canyon. It is very common thing for locals to spend their free time there.

Museum inside the castle is open seven days a week, 365 days a year.

Here you can see an incredible panorama of Kamianets-Podilskyi castle