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Pharmacies and purchase of medicines in Lublin

There are 211 pharmacies where you can buy medicines in case of illness in Lublin. Three of them are 24-hour pharmacies, i.e. those that are open 24 hours 7 days a week.

Here is a list of 24-hour pharmacies:

If you do not want to go around the city in search of a specific medicine, you can check on the website: www.gdziepolek.pl where this medicine is available. You must note that the website searches for the resources only in 7 pharmacies of Lublin. When the medicine is not available in those pharmacies, you have to visit others to buy the medicine you need.

A prescription medication 

You won’t be able to buy some medicines at the pharmacy without a medical prescription. You can get your prescription during a medical visit or after a hospital stay. It will let you to buy a specific medicine. Sometimes it happens that more than one medicine is prescribed on the prescription. If you cannot buy all of them in one pharmacy, the pharmacist will make an annotation on the prescription and you will get it back. In this case, you will have the option to buy your medicine at another pharmacy.

Remember that the prescription is valid 30 days from the date on the prescription! After this time, you will need to get a new prescription if you have not bought the necessary medicine yet.

In Poland, it is forbidden to throw medicines into household waste. You may find a list of pharmacies that takes expired medicines on the Lublin City website.

Recently, in Poland a list of free of charge medicines has been introduced. If a person is over 75 years old and has a place of residence in Poland on the basis of one of the following permits:

  1. permanent residence permit in the Republic of Poland,
  2. long-term European Union resident permit in the Republic of Poland,
  3. permission to stay for humanitarian reasons,
  4. permission for tolerated stay in the Republic of Poland,
  5. enjoys international protection in Poland (has refugee status, subsidiary protection).
  6. obtaining long-term European Union resident permit issued by another EU Member State in the case of:
    • the intention to perform work or conduct business activities in the territory of the Republic of Poland on the basis of the provisions in force in this respect in that territory or
    • demonstrating the circumstances justifying residence in the territory of the Republic of Poland,
  7. being a citizen of one EU Member State, EFTA Member State with the right of residence or the right of permanent residence on the territory of the Republic of Poland.

Additional conditions for obtaining free of charge medicine are: the need to take medicines from the list of free medicines in accordance with the indications, which includes reimbursement and to obtain a prescription from a doctor or a primary care nurse (POZ) with the annotation in the form of the letter “S”.